GC Packed / Glass columns

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Netel offers a broad range of glass and stainless-steel packed GC columns with popular packings. These columns are configured to fit many commonly used instruments and are ready-to-install. All glass columns are subjected to conditioning process to ensure the desired performance. Stainless steel columns of 1/8” O.D. can be modified to fit the most instruments.

Columns available with us

Gas-Liquid Chromatography

  • Polar Columns
  • Carbowax series including 20M,400,1500 ….
  • PEG series including 400,1500….
  • FFAP
  • DEGS
  • Sorbitol

With the loading of phase from 1% to as high as 20% impregnated with appropriate supports & Mesh sizes.

  • Non Polar Columns
  • SE-30
  • SE-52/54
  • OV-1
  • OV-101

With the loading of phase from 1% to as high as 20% impregnated with appropriate supports &mesh sizes.

  • Intermediate polarity columns
  • OV-17
  • OV-210
  • OV-225
  • QF-1

With the loading of phases from 1% to as high as 20% impregnated with appropriate supports &mesh sizes.

Gas-Solid Chromatography

  • Porapak– Q / N /T /R
  • Chromosorb – 101 /102 /103/107…
  • Molecular Sieve – 5A / 13X

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